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Group Controller with German Language
Slowakei, KosiceSlowakei, Kosice

Group Controller with German Language

Erstellungsdatum 23.02.2025

Company Description

Our brand Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia entered the life of Košice region in 2006 under the name of T-Systems Slovakia and ever since has been inextricably linked with the region when became one of the founding members of Košice IT Valley. We have managed to grow from scratch to the second largest employer in the eastern part of the country with more than 3900 employees. Our goal is to proactively find new ways to improve and continuously transform into the type of company providing innovative information and communication technology services.

Job Description


We`re an awesome group of professionals giving meaning to our jobs. We are happy to work online/remotely as well as we meet more than happy in the office to be efficient, enjoy good company, have fun, support each other and deliver the quality. We all appreciate drive, ambitions, strong career path, stability of the employer and its benefits. Nothing what we deal with is domestic - our entire daily job focuses on financial controlling of headquarters or of international subsidiaries.

  • Support closing processes and audits of international branches and companies according to HGB and IFRS
  • Provide all relevant controlling information to managers, which are used for decision making
  • Coordinate preparation of the plans & sub- plans, which are oriented to ensure successful future of the company
  • You will be the Interface between business controlling and finance (P&L, balance sheet, cash flow, steering KPIs, shareholder reporting)
  • Act as a process expert in the team
  • Initiate process changes in the team
  • Support managers in a variety of ways
  • Ddevelop & maintain controlling systems


  • have Degree in Finance, Business Administration, etc.
  • have relevant professional experience in controlling tasks in high complexity - min. 6 Years
  • have high level of commitment, structured and independent working style
  • are team player with intercultural competence
  • speak fluent in German and English, both spoken and written - level B2
  • have ability to communicate and present to Upper and Top Management
  • have experiences with SAP

Additional Information


We believe in balance between work and personal life. An attractive and extensive work-life balance portfolio guarantees lasting motivation for employees and thus a better quality of life, promotes physical and mental well-being and contributes to a positive work environment. All this with the aim of providing more freedom in reconciling work, career growth, private life and individual lifestyle. Therefore we offer to our employees over 25 different benefits to improve their personal and professional life in these areas:
  • Financial benefits
  • Benefits with focus on learning and development
  • Benefits with focus on health and sport
  • Benefits with focus on family and work - life balance
  • Other benefits

For more information about our benefits click to Benefits


Final salary is negotiable.

We are offering base salary depending on seniority level and previous experience of candidate. In addition to base salary we provide variable part and other financial benefits. Base salary will not be lower than 2000€ /brutto.

Additional information

* Please be informed that our remote working possibility is only available within Slovakia due to European taxation regulation.

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