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Service Desk Specialist - German
Marokko, CasablancaMarokko, Casablanca

Service Desk Specialist - German

Erstellungsdatum 18.11.2024

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Evernex is specialized in the maintenance of IT infrastructure around the world, using a comprehensive range of services from maintenance, to Spare as a Service - SPaaS™, but also additional services such as recycling, secure data disposal, data center removal and relocation, library repair, IT hardware rental and financial solutions.

Evernex provides three-quarters of its business services internationally and covers over 170 countries across the globe.

Rotation schedule

Working within a busy Service Desk, the Service Desk Specialist is responsible of calls handling, 1st Level Diagnosis and Support, following and driving the progresses from the case opening to its closure.

Key responsibilities:
  • Answer all incoming calls (within 5 rings) or external/internal customer emails reporting a support issue or service Request and determine the caller's needs
  • Logging Calls in the System with the all needed Information, Details, Categorizations, and Priorities
  • Assist the customers with the first incident qualification process by collecting the necessary logs that will be used by the Technical Team to determine an Action Plan. The logs collection tool is to be used to facilitate the task
  • Responsible for escalating cases appropriately to L3
  • Communication with users - keeping them informed of incident progress, notifying them of impending changes or delays
  • Answer all requests for action made by Service Desk. Coordinate both emergency and non-emergency response to calls for service and manage those responses through ticketing tool.
  • Contact customers to confirm scheduled appointments and verify feedback when outages are reported fixed.
  • Coordinate spares parts dispatch with local partner / Customer / logistic center
  • Ensure constant up to date reporting about status of all calls through the relevant tools internally and to Customer
  • Manage local buffer stock refill process with logistic team
  • Assist customer service with escalated request in a timely manner.
  • Follow up on all pending and recommended work with customer using the pending work dashboard (Online Tool)
  • Assist field personnel with completing scheduled appointments within designated time frames and ensure that management is kept informed of potential problems
  • Closing all resolved Incidents and Service Requests
  • Internal Support for End Users for specific activities and Tasks (Example setup Laptop or Printer, troubleshooting Connectivity Issues, ....)
  • Conducting customer/user satisfaction call-backs/surveys as agreed
  • Updating the CMS under the direction and approval of Service Desk Manager and reporting any incorrect Records to the appropriate Teams for Correction

Job requirements:
  • Bachelors Degree in in Computer Science/ Management Information Systems.
  • Experience in an IT service desk environment highly desired.
  • Minimum of 5 years' experience in customer service.
  • German speaker

Desired Skills:
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Strong Computer Skills.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Ability to work effectively under pressure, problem solve.

  • Allemand (Requis)
  • Anglais (Requis)

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