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German Document Translator (Onsite)

German Document Translator (Onsite)

Erstellungsdatum 15.01.2025

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Job Description

This position is on-call, short-term, as needed.

Program Overview

Since the events of September 11, 2001, the United States Government (USG) has an increased need for translation services from and into foreign languages that far exceeds the capacities of individual agencies, departments, and organizations engaged in support of intelligence priorities and law enforcement. To address this need, the National Virtual Translation Center (NVTC) provides linguistic support to the mission of the Intelligence Community (IC) and other federal government agencies. The FBI serves as the Executive Agent for the National Virtual Translation Center (NVTC) in matters pertaining to the administration and support of this requirement. NVTC is an element of the United States Intelligence Community (IC) created by Congress with oversight provided by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

Position Description

Process documents and media in various formats to include hand-written, hard copy, digital text, audio, and video providing interpretation and language support to Human Language Technology (HLT) projects. The source material contains a variety of language genres and domains for which the FBI has jurisdiction, and the IC, and/or other government agencies have an interest. This may include military, scientific, and technical subject matter. Must be able to electronically access, receive, send, scan, and translate documents and audio/video contents on an as-needed basis throughout the term of this effort, and use HLT tools in all cases possible to process work assignments.

Minimum Requirements

  • Must reside in Washington, DC metro area and be willing to perform all work on-site at our Chantilly, VA location (not a remote position). You are not required to work a 40-hour work week onsite but you must be available a few days per week while working on a project.
  • Professional level fluency in the target language and English (minimum ILR 3 in both languages).
  • Ability to translate/transcribe a variety of technical topics to include but not limited to expository, formal and informal discourse, legal, business, public administration, historical, geographical, sociological, political, military and scientific content, and other content within scope. The scientific area may include advanced technology, chemical, physical, cyber, and/or nuclear terminology.
  • The specialized terminology used to express concepts in any of the given subject areas varies considerably from everyday usage in any of the source languages. As such, thorough knowledge of term specific vocabulary is required, as are quality review and editing capabilities and capacities.

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