Works on multiple phases of a project and/or multiple small projects of moderate scope and sometimes complex assignments.
Takes responsibility for a certain area and conditions as well as results evaluation, problem resolution and planning.
Selects appropriate standards, methods, tools and applications for project use.
Applies data analysis and data modelling techniques to modify or maintain a data structure and its associated components (entity descriptions, relationship descriptions, attribute definitions).
Creates and executes basic non-functional test scripts following a given set of guidelines and sets up test environments, data and monitors.
Designs, codes, tests and documents simple programs or scripts and assists in the implementation of software which forms part of a properly engineered system.
Co-ordinates the information gathering and reporting process, conducting research to define problems and preparing responses to anticipated questions.
Accurately identifies project risks and reports effectively to relevant stakeholders. Manages issues, risks, actions, dependencies, and defects to the success of the project.
Creates traceability records, from test cases back to requirements. Can report on system quality and collects metrics on test cases.
Produces test scripts, materials and regression test packs to test new and amended software or services.
Maintains the status of project and provides guidance to the work of junior team members, works across teams to achieve group goals.
Fluency in German is a MUST, English is preferable.
Bachelor Degree in Computer science or Mechatronics Engineering is a MUST.
Good client-facing skills.
Good problem solving skills.
Intermediate theoretical knowledge in quality engineering methodologies.
Has good applications/technology knowledge.
Experience and knowledge in any of the performance testing, data and test automation tools such as HP Performance Center/ LoadRunner, HP UFT /QTP, HP Service Test, Service Virtualize, SoapUI, CA LISA, CA GridTools Data Maker/ DataManager, JMeter, Neoload, Selenium, IBM Rational Integration Tester, Rational Robot, Borland SilkTest, TOSCA, Atlassian Jira, Jenkins, Selenium, Cucumber, Gherkin etc.
Programming knowledge (ideally VB, Java, C#) and technical expertise in script languages (Shell, Perl, etc.).
Good knowledge on Cloud concepts and visualization.
What do I need before I apply
Bachelor Degree in Computer science or Mechatronics Engineering is a MUST.
ISTQB Foundation level is highly preferred
Expleo Group
8 andere Personen sehen sich das gerade an
Erstellungsdatum 11.03.2024
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