Slowakei, BratislavaSlowakei, Bratislava

Data Analyst with German language

Erstellungsdatum 02.04.2024

About Capco

Our team in Capco specializes in management consulting & software development, mostly for international banks and insurance companies in western Europe.
Do you want to learn more about our culture and people? Visit

Benefits of working for Capco:
  • The opportunity to work with experienced colleagues for prestigious banks
  • The opportunity to work on different projects, no routine
  • Technical and soft skills training, professional certifications, full access to the Udemy online learning platform
  • Private health care, sick days, employee's vacation - 25 days per year, regardless of the age
  • Cafeteria provided by the Benefits plus services (50 EUR monthly) and/or contribution to 3rd pillar
  • Fully paid meal vouchers
  • Smartphone and internet with 1.000 GB of data, laptop
  • Home-office friendly: we provide flexibility to work remotely from the home office, as well as from our office in Bratislava - Nivy Tower (Fresh fruit, relaxing zone, game room - table football, PS4, pet friendly office)
  • We care: we support the well-being of our employees (Yoga lessons, mental health webinars - Liga za duševné zdravie), team sports activities - e.g. running challenges, multisport card, participation on the volunteering days

  • from 2.200 EUR (salary will be adjusted based on previous experience)
  • annual bonus + benefit package
  • indefinite period contract

Role Description

We are expanding our new team for our banking clients.
  • You will be a business/data Analyst, part of an agile team focused on exciting transformation challenges around data
  • You will work with some of the largest banks in the world, on projects that will transform the financial services industry
  • You will modernize related processes and set-up, develop, and optimize state-of-the-art solutions and the corresponding data management all the way from business analysis to implementation
  • Gradually you will take on more responsibility for your topics, as well as lead sub-projects and smaller project teams

Skills and Expertise
  • A successfully completed university degree
  • Fluent English and German
  • Strong interest and working experience in one or more of the following areas:
    • Working with data (data analysis, working with large datasets, data quality management, e.g. formulating rules and criteria to validate data, analyzing and resolving data quality events)
    • Business Analysis (as-is process and data analysis, writing requirements, data mapping)
    • Business Process Optimization (simplifying / automating processes, elimination of manual processes)
    • Agile project work or knowledge of agile working methods and corresponding tool
  • Some initial knowledge about the financial service industry, about banking products and potentially about accounting is needed
  • You are a team player, have good analytical and conceptual skills as well as perseverance

Recruitment process steps:
  • Screening call with the Recruiter
  • Technical/Competencies interview with experienced Capco colleague
  • Feedback/Offer

You are important to us! That's why you get a personal coach at our side who supports you individually. With our start-up mentality and our flat hierarchy, you have every opportunity to place your ideas and to put them into practice. In addition, after work, you have numerous opportunities to expand your internal network and get to know new faces through joint sports activities and team events.

Have we made you curious? Then apply now! It takes only 5 minutes.

If you have any other question related to the position please reach out to me:

[email protected]

Zora Paulikova | LinkedIn

Wir bemühen uns, verlässliche Informationen über jedes Stellenangebot zu haben. Bitte lass uns wissen, wenn etwas nicht stimmt oder du technische Probleme gefunden hast.

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