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German Content Reviewer
Israel, Tel Aviv-YafoIsrael, Tel Aviv-Yafo

German Content Reviewer

Erstellungsdatum 04.01.2025

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Taboola, the world's largest content recommendation platform, is hiring a German Advertiser Content Reviewer.

Are you a detail oriented individual with a strong taste for a complex ecosystem and looking for an opportunity to build a career in the tech world? Are you a native German speaker with a vast cultural understanding of this market? Are you a tech-savvy, business oriented, communication wizard who's not intimidated by data? - if you answered YES to all of those questions, we've got the job for you!

Come join our rapidly growing Foreign Languages Advertiser Content Review Team at Taboola, where you'll get a chance to work in a dynamic, international and professional environment.

About the position:

As a German Content Reviewer, you will navigate in a highly regulated environment while supporting your business stakeholders to guarantee advertiser success. You will identify opportunities and specific market sensitivities, and offer an expertise to enable content in all German speaking markets and help ads scale. Decision maker and guidelines enforcer, you will balance advertisers and publishers needs and interests, work with your teammates on reviews and escalations, and look for endless improvements of our operation. In short, you will become a perfect market owner and the main go-to-person in the Professional Services department for any German content review challenge. On a daily basis, you will combine a high capacity review goal without compromising with your excellent quality, offer flexible and engaged availability to your colleagues located in our numerous countries around the world, and come up with new initiatives and inventive solutions.

What are some of the things you do on a day-to-day basis?
  • Review content and classify it quickly and correctly per policy
  • Use various tools to identify non-compliance issues
  • General data entry related tasks
  • Provide suggestions to improve the process and workflows
  • Be comfortable working with data and reporting
  • Timely response to incoming inquiries via email and ticketing system
  • Communicate urgent issues internally and externally
  • Quickly adapt to change (new content, changing policies)
  • Ability to communicate in an easy to understand format (verbal and written)
  • Ability to work independently and within a team

What are the skills a good German Content Reviewer needs to have? (requirements)
  • Native German & English is a must (additional language is a big plus!)
  • Knowledge of global pop culture and social media
  • Ability to make fact-based decisions quickly coupled with great attention to detail to ensure high-quality work products
  • Excellent work pacing (time management) skills, able to work independently and prioritize
  • Able to work in multiple tools/web browser windows at one time
  • Familiar with MS office (mainly Excel) and Google Drive tools for updating progress and have good search and navigating skills
  • Multi-tasking, self-learning, highly motivated and a team player
  • The will and ability to work in a fast-paced environment and learn, learn, learn!
  • Working from Monday-Friday (full time job)

Sounds good, how do I apply?

It's easy, submit your CV by clicking the "Apply" button below.



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