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Mehr Jobs in Serbien

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HR Specialist - Switzerland Support (German Language)
Serbien, BelgradSerbien, Belgrad

HR Specialist - Switzerland Support (German Language)

Erstellungsdatum 03.09.2024

HR Specialist - Switzerland Support (German Language) | Serbia | req119131

If you are interested in providing excellent customer experience and working in a diverse and fast-growing environment, do not hesitate to learn more about this vacancy.


Supporting the Switzerland HR Team by reporting from various systems and consolidating different reports. Responsible for document management, maintaining good data quality in HR systems and managing different HR platforms. Responsible for organizing Internal trainings and collecting training data.


  • Supporting the Onboarding process that includes following up the Onboarding status, contacting and informing the supervisor about the newcomer, as well as sending the Welcome e-mails;
  • Monitoring the Onboarding Period, collecting and filing the signed documentation;
  • Monitoring the Probation Period endings, collecting and filing the signed documentation;
  • Maintaining Global HR Systems and platforms (Talmundo, Sharepoint, Learning@KN, HCMS, KN Careers, PDM old and PDM 2.0 ) as well as the local HR Systems (Primion, Therefore);
  • Monitoring the Performance status of all employees in KN Switzerland on weekly basis and reporting the results to HR Switzerland;
  • Managing the Referral Program Process;
  • Managing employees' enrollments, sending reminders, monitoring and running reports;
  • Following-up and keeping track of employees' Criminal Records;
  • Following-up and keeping track of Air Security Background Check - responsible for checking validation of identification documents
  • Responsible for maintaining good data quality in HR systems;
  • Enters new and verifies already entered employee and account data by reviewing, correcting, deleting, or reentering data based on HR department requests;
  • Monitoring employees' birthdays;
  • Organizing Internal Trainings by communicating with employees and scheduling the training event;
  • Providing daily, monthly and ad-hoc reports to different HR Team Members;
  • Daily communication (via email, spoken communication) with internal stakeholders (the local HR team and employees);
  • Responsible for New Joiners and Exit Announcement Process;
  • Maintaining customer confidence and protecting operations by keeping information confidential due to internal HR data policy
  • Responsible for Medical examination for night work reminders and filing documentation on yearly basis


  • Excellent knowledge of the German language
  • Excellent knowledge of the English language
  • PC literate (Word, Excel, Outlook, Internet)
  • Organisational skills, precise and highly focused on the quality of your output, able to multi-task and meet deadlines, detail oriented.
  • Minimum high school diploma
  • Ability to follow defined processes and procedures
  • Customer service orientation
  • Transferable, professional, and adaptive skills


Kuehne+Nagel invests in the development of your talent through Individual development plans tailored to your career goals and also motivates you to deploy your talent for delivering continuous business improvement and customer excellence. You can expect a variety of internal training and access to our internal learning platform and e-library for your personal and professional growth as well as subsidized foreign language courses.We offer you a compensation and benefits system that follows the business trends of service centers.Kuehne+Nagel supports your well-being, therefore we offer you subsidized Fitpass monthly membership, team-building events, sports activities and fresh seasonal fruit in a healthy environment. Our employees have the opportunity to experience both working from the office and from home, since we take turns with remote work.We are continuously building our local and global network and our service portfolio, creating career opportunities in different fields of work worldwide.Most importantly, we build a company culture that puts people at the center of what we do and wants to deliver progress to the society (people & planet)To find out why Kuehne + Nagel is the best place to advance your career, start a conversation with us and click apply today!


With over 80.000 employees at some 1,300 locations in over 100 countries, the Kuehne+Nagel Group is one of the world's leading logistics companies.


Svetlana Trzin
[email protected]

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Mehr Jobs in Serbien

Serbien, BelgradSerbien, Belgrad

Frontline Support Associate - German and English language

Serbien, BelgradSerbien, Belgrad

Freelance / Consultant 0.5 FTE Person Responsible for Local Literature Screening - Fluent in German

Serbien, BelgradSerbien, Belgrad

Service Desk Associate - German speaker

Serbien, BelgradSerbien, Belgrad

Service Desk Agent L1 - German speaker

Serbien, BelgradSerbien, Belgrad

UX/UI Designer (German speaking) - Evenito team


Remote Data Annotator - German (Serbia)


Support Specialist - German

Serbien, BelgradSerbien, Belgrad

Data Security Partner - German Language

Serbien, BelgradSerbien, Belgrad

Service desk agent - German language

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