Contributes to the successful completion of projects.
Works typically within low risk and low complexity projects.
Uses a basic knowledge of quality assurance methodologies.
Runs tests and retests as necessary, executing test scripts in area of accountability, reporting on test activities and results in accordance with project plans.
Provides input into quality assurance plans, data, procedures, and scripts, assists in creating test cases and helps prepare for evaluations.
Identifies test issues and reports risks, investigates defined issues.
Plans and manages own time and work, contributing to overall on-time and on-budget project goals.
Maintains the status of project responsibilities and works across teams to achieve group goals.
Takes ownership of own career development, demonstrating progress toward professional goals.
Fluent German (is a MUST) and English.
Quick Learner. Good communication skills, communicating effectively with the appropriate level of detail, using language that connects with different audiences.
Professional attitude, experience in treating stakeholders with respect and dignity.
Expleo Group
4 andere Personen sehen sich das gerade an
Erstellungsdatum 21.07.2024
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