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Senior Linux System Administrator with German

Senior Linux System Administrator with German

Erstellungsdatum 19.02.2025

Company Description

Accesa is a leading technology company headquartered in Cluj-Napoca, with offices in Oradea and 20 years of experience in turning business challenges into opportunities and growth.

A value-driven organisation, it has established itself as a partner of choice for major brands in Retail, Manufacturing, Finance, and Banking. It covers the complete digital evolution journey of its customers, from ideation and requirements setup to software development and managed services solutions.

With more than 1,200 IT professionals, Accesa also has a fast-growing footprint, establishing itself as an employer of choice for IT professionals who are passionate about problem-solving through technology. Coming together in strong tech teams with a customer-centric approach, they enable businesses to grow, delivering value for our clients, partners, industry, and community.

Job Description

The client is a leading IT service provider in Germany, specializing in innovative solutions for the financial services sector. Our partnership focuses on delivering advanced infrastructure and automation projects that enhance operational efficiency and drive digital transformation.
  • Virtualized Environment Management -> Administer and maintain Linux server environments, ensuring high performance, availability, and virtualization.
  • Automation and Scripting -> Develop and execute Bash scripts to automate administrative tasks, streamline operations, and enhance efficiency.
  • System Maintenance and Compliance -> Perform upgrades, patches, and system improvements, while ensuring compliance with ITIL standards and organizational policies.
  • Issue Resolution -> Diagnose and troubleshoot technical issues, proactively minimizing downtime and ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Collaboration and Security -> Work closely with cross-functional teams to maintain system integrity and security, providing technical expertise for projects and ongoing operations.
  • Ticket Management -> Manage and resolve technical support tickets, prioritizing tasks to meet SLAs and maintain system reliability.

  • 5+ years of experience in a virtualized Linux server environment (e.g., using KVM, LXC) or comparable qualifications & higher education degree.
  • Advanced in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) with strong knowledge of Red Hat Cluster Suite (RHCS) and clustering technologies.
  • Good Bash scripting skills and experience in automation.
  • Familiarity with system management tools and ITIL-based process management.
  • Self-motivated, independent, and responsible, with a confident and assertive approach to problem-solving.
  • Fluent in German and English, with excellent communication skills.

Additional Information

At Accesa you can:

Enjoy our holistic benefits program that covers the four pillars that we believe come together to support our wellbeing, covering social, physical, emotional wellbeing, as well as work-life fusion.
  • Physical Wellbeing: Our wellbeing program includes medical benefits, gym support, and personalized fitness options for an active lifestyle, complemented by team events and the Healthy Habits Club.
  • Work-Life Fusion: In very dynamic industries such as IT, the line between our professional and personal lives can quickly become blurred. Having a one-size-fits-one approach gives us the flexibility to define the work-life dynamic that works for us.
  • Emotional Wellbeing: We believe that to maintain our overall health, we need to invest in our mental wellbeing just as much as we do in our physical health, social connections or in achieving work-life balance.
  • Social Wellbeing: As a growing community in a hybrid environment, we want to ensure we remain connected not just by the great work we do every day but through our passions and interests.

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